Spring Zoom Series

Making Room for You

Tuesdays / June 6, 13, 20, 27
(60-75 minutes/session) $100

Is there a loop in your thoughts trying to convince you that you are not good enough? ... not smart enough ... not pretty or handsome enough ... not funny enough ... not popular enough ... not successful enough ... not enough. In this series, we explore practices that nurture self-love. It is not selfish, rather it benefits all beings and the world. This is a game-changer!

Emerge Into Spring

Tuesdays, April 12, 19, 26 — 6:30 pm
(60-75 minutes/session) $75

Humans do not actually hibernate, but we do gravitate toward the internal in winter. Come spring, we shed the winter stagnation and make room for new vitality as the daylight hours lengthen, and we begin to feel warmth return to the earth. Navigating through this wet and muddy time of year can be challenging. Yet, doing so with conscious awareness can be invigorating. Be fully awake, alert, and present to the wonders of the world in spring.

Intro to Ayurveda

Thursdays / May 11, 18, 25 — June 1, 8, 15
(60-75 minutes/session) $150

Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, nurtures the body, mind, and spirit with a reflective and self-empowering approach. At the core of this approach is a deep respect for nature and for the five elements which are present in everything. You will learn the rudimentary principles of Ayurveda, and hopefully, your curiosity will be piqued.